Helping Kids Exchange Anxiety for a Garment of Praise

The heartache of life has no age restriction. What if we taught our children from an early age how to go to God with their pain? What would it take to teach them about worship so their hiding place becomes God’s presence?

by Audra Baas on May 25, 2024


As a mom of school-aged children and someone who finds such value in the power of worship, and the emotional connection and healing music can inspire.. this article really spoke to me.  

When I think about growing up in church, and the worship music that went along with that, I do tend to think about the fun happy songs we’d sing in VBS or clapping and dancing to many variations of how Jesus loves me.  Yes these songs were truthful, but does it sugar coat the full experience of how to worship and how we can use music to draw close to the Lord.  As a parent, we want to be the one to protect our children in times of sadness, anxiety, doubt etc, but how beautiful to show them early one they need God their Father even over us.  And how beautiful that something universal like music can help them access the truth about our loving Father.  

This culture our children are growing up in is tough and it seems like we’re always hearing about mental health and anxiety being on the rise in younger kids.  The pressures they face, the harder it’s becoming to stand up for Christian values and beliefs.. instead of turning to social media or friends for validation, I hope and pray that our kids will see the importance of worship and turning to the Lord as they get older.  I hope that the lyrics and message in the songs they sing in church, or what we play on the car radio or at home shows them the depth of our God and teaches them to want to worship in the hard times.. because ultimately it will bring them closer to Him and help them experience the joy and hope in our Lord.

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