Youth Fundraiser Brunch - Sunday 2/23 10:15am - 11:15am

The Pazminos

Pablo and Rebecca serve with One Mission Society in leadership training and church planting in Ecuador. They are planting a church in Chongón through kids’ clubs, personal discipleship, small group Bible studies, Celebrate Recovery, and family services. They provide pastoral support and missions ministry development for the Christian Bible Church in Guayaquil, and they support two local seminaries with periodic classes.

The daughter of Wycliffe Bible Translator missionaries David and Heidi Coombs, Rebecca grew up in Peru. God led her into missions through her background in Peru and through her studies at Taylor University. He opened the door to work in Ecuador in 1996 when she went on an OMS short-term trip.

Pablo grew up in Guayaquil, where he was active in an OMS-related church, the Christian Bible Church. There, he recommitted his life to Christ at a youth camp, was baptized and began to serve in music, Sunday school and youth ministry. Pablo completed his seminary studies in 2003 while participating with a church-planting team in Cuenca.

Elizabeth Rachel joined their family on March 18, 2005, Johanna Christina on October 28, 2007, and Mateo David on March 4, 2013.