Youth Fundraiser Brunch - Sunday 2/23 10:15am - 11:15am

Serve With Us

Woodhaven Bible Church exists to make followers of Christ who worship God, connect with one another, and SERVE the church and the world.

Why Serve?

At WBC, every member plays an active role in the flourishing of the church by serving on one or more of our service teams. We believe that serving is a key aspect of growing in Christlikeness. We serve one another willingly and joyfully, knowing:

1) Jesus came to serve us, giving his life as a ransom for many (Matt.20:28).
2) We are called to count one another as more significant than ourselves (Philippians 2:3).
3) God has gifted us with skills and abilities, which are useful in the service to the church (1 Corinthians 12:12-26).

Ways to serve at wBC

Who Can serve at WBC?

For most serving teams, anyone who is a regular attender of WBC, who considers WBC their home church, can serve. We aim to connect every church member to a service team, according to their gifts and church needs. If you attend WBC and are looking for a way to serve, please reach out to Pastor Trevor via email at

Due to the nature of the roles, serving on the WBC Kids team and the music team are reserved for official members of WBC only. Serving with children and/or youth at WBC requires the successful completion of a background check. Serving on the music team requires an audition to assess musical ability.