Simple Songs for Young & Old

A new EP from CityAlight full of basic, profound truth. Good for kids and adults alike!

by Trevor Hogg on April 03, 2024

If you stop by our house at any point in the neat future, there's a decent chance you'll hear songs from this EP playing. Simple Songs for Young and Old by CityAlight. Our family loves CityAlight's music: it's rich in truth, easily singable, and fun to sing. This EP is no exception! It lives up to its title -  the songs are simple and they are for young and old. My son loves these songs and so do I! At first, I was tempted to think this is just a kids' album. Far from it! There have been multiple times where I have been listening to these songs with my son and the truth of "Jesus Loves Me" hits in a brand new way. 

Adults need to be reminded that "God is Over All" just as much as kids do. We all need to be comforted with the truth that "The Lord is by My Side." I'd encourage you to listen through this EP with your family!

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